Jumbo Cklean

Jumbo Cklean

Human and Pet Friendly Kennel & Floor Wash
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Jumbo Cklean is an antiseptic sanitizing product that has been specially designed to keep kennels, cages, and floors clean and free from harmful germs. Unlike other kennel wash products available on the market, Jumbo Cklean is gentle on skin and does not have a strong fragrance that can mask the smell of urine and stool. Instead, it effectively eliminates bad odours and leaves your pets’ living areas smelling fresh and clean.

Jumbo Cklean is easy to use and requires only a small amount of solution to be effective. The antiseptic properties of Jumbo Cklean work quickly to eliminate most harmful germs, bacteria, viruses, mosquitoes, flies, ants, and ticks, making it an excellent choice for pet owners who want to keep their pets and homes healthy and clean.

One of the best things about Jumbo Cklean is that it is pet and human-friendly. This means that it can be used to clean homes that have pets without causing any harm to your beloved furry friends. Jumbo Cklean is an ideal solution for pet owners who want a powerful cleaning product that is also safe and gentle.

Overall, Jumbo Cklean is an excellent choice for pet owners who want a high-quality sanitizing product that is effective, easy to use, and safe for pets and humans. Whether you need to clean kennels, cages, or floors, Jumbo Cklean has you covered. With its powerful antiseptic properties and gentle formula, Jumbo Cklean is the perfect solution for keeping your pets and their living areas clean and healthy.


One of the best things about Jumbo Cklean is that it is pet and human-friendly. This means that it can be used to clean homes that have pets without causing any harm to your beloved furry friends. Jumbo Cklean is an ideal solution for pet owners who want a powerful cleaning product that is also safe and gentle.

Overall, Jumbo Cklean is an excellent choice for pet owners who want a high-quality sanitizing product that is effective, easy to use, and safe for pets and humans. Whether you need to clean kennels, cages, or floors, Jumbo Cklean has you covered. With its powerful antiseptic properties and gentle formula, Jumbo Cklean is the perfect solution for keeping your pets and their living areas clean and healthy.


Pet & Human Safe

Virus & Bacteria Free (99%)

Excellent Cleaning Solution

Anti Fly & Anti Tick

Removes Foul Odor

